Welcome to the consultation website for the proposed development of land to the north-east of Great Ashby, Stevenage.
Land North-East of Great Ashby, Stevenage is allocated as a Strategic Housing Site for a new neighbourhood of around 600 new homes within North Hertfordshire District Council’s Local Plan 2011-2031, policy GA2.
The Developer Picture Estates are planning to create a high-quality residential development, including 40% affordable homes, with new community and education facilities to support both existing and new residents of Great Ashby.
If you would like to learn more about the project, please visit our proposals page.
Thank you to those who provided feedback and attended our consultation event in May 2024.
Following consultation, we have updated the masterplan which you can view below.
Key changes to the masterplan following consultation, include:
- Separating the cycleways and footways from the primary vehicular carriageway to make active travel routes more direct, convenient and attractive. We have also located them in parkland areas where possible.
- Strengthening the green corridors.
- The potential spine road corridor has been redesigned, creating greater variety in the location of the cycle paths and cycleways, with verge and tree planting, which also helps to reduce the appearance of the spine road.
- The northern part of the site is now denser to help create a focussed central area at Dell Spring, the Community Hub and Primary School.
- The proposed area for allotments has been relocated to the Community Hub, to be more accessible and create a greener heart to the development.
- The western SuDS basin has been redesigned to serve as an area of usable public open space, with amenity grass in the bottom of the basin.
- The potential emergency access point has been moved away from Dell Spring to protect the landscape character and setting of Tile Kiln Farm.
- The landscaping has been reconsidered, to create more usable amenity areas including areas where children can kick a ball.
The updated masterplan can be viewed here.
The masterplan is intended to establish spatial frameworks and high-level design principles. A detailed design will be agreed during the next steps of the planning process and further engagement with the public and key stakeholders will take place as part of this process.
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us at consultation@iceniproejcts.com

Key Principles of Development

- Housing Variety
- Appropriate materials and design
- Social Infrastructure
- Recreation and Play
- Sustainable way of living

- Sustainable Movement
- Network
- Slow traffic speed
- Tree lined principle streets
- Respond to the desire lines
- Passive surveillance

- Rich local character areas
- Retention and enhancement of landscape features
- Connected green and blue infrastructure
- Ecological enhancements
- Appropriate treatment of heritage assets
Well integrated with Great Ashby